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Isolation Need Not Feel Like You're Alone

Writer's picture: Elise Gonzales-Sahota Elise Gonzales-Sahota

With the outbreak of Covid-19, cohousing communities have had to re-examine what it means to live collaboratively. Maintaining social distance is a lot harder when your daily life is generally structured around sharing meals, resources, and space with your entire neighborhood. But what we are learning is that even through this time of social isolation, for many people, living in community is the key to getting through stressful times.

The following story was written by Pam C, a member of Quimper Village Cohousing in Port Townsend, Washington:

Isolation Need Not Feel Like You're Alone:

Since the abundance of precaution is becoming routine in view of the Covid-19 virus, events are being canceled, many shops and organizations (even the Library!) are closing their doors for a while. It might seem like isolating is inevitable. Yet being part of a co-housing community offers a different way of looking at it.

In many ways our community, humanity, and thoughtfulness are getting stronger. A neighbor tries a new recipe and brings some to your doorstep for you to try out. Someone else drops off fresh baked banana bread or chocolate chip cookies. Chicken soup is delivered to a neighbor staying in due to compromised health. Phone calls go out to people who are self-quarantined or do not drive; “I’m going to the grocery store and beyond, do you need anything?” A neighbor orders food from 123 Thai and is going to pick up the order; “Does anyone what to call in their own order and have them all picked up at 5 pm?”  

In our community google group, poems, wonderful photos of birds, jokes, and updates of all kinds arrive via email. Zoom is a new tool. Meals between neighbors are popping here and there. In the wider community, someone suggests that signing up early to Rose Theater’s annual membership might help people that work there while movie going is curtailed. Someone else suggests that we call Wright Away, a local food delivery service, to bring in some meals from eight local restaurants. Food service take away is also available for many other restaurants, just call them for curb side service. Not only are people in Quimper Village thinking about our immediate neighbors and their needs, but about the larger community that we live in and are a part of.

Isolation does not need to feel like there is no one else out there. It gives us an even stronger sense of community, which is supportive, like co-housing is meant to be.

Thank you neighbors, for your inspiration and big hearts.     -PamC

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