Seniors in Cohousing
Senior cohousing is an innovative solution to meet the unique needs of an aging population. Aligning co-care practices to address emotional needs through a supportive community environment fosters stimulating environments for pro-active seniors.
Cohousing aims to address the largest obstacles to aging gracefully, including the isolating, over-sterilized, impersonal environments of nursing homes and elderly care facilities. Aging in community allows for a boost in social interaction among seniors and offers an important safety net of inclusion.

"Extraordinarily appealing for us to be the kids!"
– Wolf Creek Lodge resident
"Graceful aging belongs to people who say to themselves: I’m going to age, I’m not going to stay the way I am now and I’m prepared for it."
– Arthur, Silver Sage
"We visited a couple of retirement places here, and it felt like a place you go to die, but Heartwood is definitely a place you go to live."
– Mike, Heartwood Commons
Why Senior Cohousing?

Age gracefully in community
Escalating housing prices
There are more than 77 million boomers in the US, and by 2030, this demographic will represent an estimated 20% of the population
Seek connections, not condominiums
Building relationships, not just casual acquaintances
It’s a whole lot of fun!
Our Work
CoHousing Solutions has successfully guided many senior cohousing projects from initial phases through construction. The communities listed below just a few.

Learn More
Interested in starting a senior cohousing community in your city? Proactivity is the first step! Email info@cohousing-solutions.com or call 530-478-1970 to receive more information, or schedule a consultation with Katie McCamant.
You can also learn more about senior-specific housing from our friends at SAGE Cohousing Advocates based in Portland, OR.
Reading list
The Senior Cohousing Handbook by Charles Durrett
Audacious Aging edited by Stephanie Marohn
60 on Up: The Truth About Aging in America by Lillian B. Rubin
What Are Old People For? by William Thomas, authority on geriatric medicine and eldercare
Elder Cohousing by Sally Abrahams. AARP
Cohousing Not Just for Boomer Hippies by Steve Bergsman, InMan News
Aging in Community by Janice Blanchard
Seniors at Home in Cohousing by Dana Romanoff, USA TODAY
Moving Beyond Place: Aging in Community by William H. Thomas & Janice M. Blanchard
Senior Cohousing May Be the Next Real-Estate Trend by Ryan Holeywell