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Writer's pictureElise Gonzales-Sahota

Katie’s Statement for CoHousing Inclusive

Katie was recently invited by the Institute for Creative Sustainability (a Berlin-based non-profit organization which has been active since 2003 to study and promote cultures of sustainable urban development) to make a statement for their new publication.

Their project, CoHousing Cultures (also the title of another book by the author, Michael LaFond) is publishing CoHousing Inclusive, to be printed in both English and German. They’ve invited 26 international cooperative and community-led housing experts and activists to publish a statement in the book. Katie’s contributory statement:

“In cohousing neighborhoods, we build relationships with our neighbors by working together on practical matters, whether that is a landscape workday or making dinner. As we work together, we build trust. Over time, we find our own edges softening, gaining greater empathy for each other, and this empathy accompanies us in the rest of our lives, opening our hearts to others. Living in community teaches us to listen more carefully to what others have to share. When our communities are truly successful, they give us energy and support to engage actively in the larger civil society to empathetically and respectfully address the challenges of the human condition.”           – Katie McCamant, CoHousing Solutions

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